Join the Healthy Habits 6-Week Coaching Program. We start on August 23, 2022! GETTING TOO FAR OFF TRACK WITH YOUR HEALTHY HABITS?


Hi there! I'm Stef Sojka, Certified Whole Health & Nutrition Educator. I help people just like you with their nutrition and health habits, so that WELLNESS becomes a part of your life!  Not just something you do as part of a short-term New Year's resolution. 

Are you ready to change your health habits? 

I understand the struggle with food, exercise, and all the other "healthy" habits we KNOW we should be focused on. I have been on a yo-yo diet rollercoaster for most of my life (childhood included).

This is WHY I do what I do now. I love helping others get back on track, so they can look AND feel their best!

As a Whole Health & Nutrition Educator, I help my clients get their body back into balance so that they can overcome weight-loss resistance, boost energy, boost the metabolism, boost their confidence, improve digestion, decrease pain, sleep better, and so much more! 

Take a look at my other programs and resources.  

What action you can take TODAY to take your first steps to feeling healthier? 

If you have any questions about my programs or feel like you might need a little extra nudge and support, please feel free to reach out to me by setting up a free Discovery Call with me. [CLICK HERE]

In good health, 


P.S. Join my free weekly Whole Healthy Newsletter where I share new wellness program promotions, free recipes and meal plans, and healthy inspiration goodness every Sunday night. Click here to get signed up for my weekly wellness newsletter and as a thank you, I'll send you my free 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge.

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Healthy Habits Coaching Program

Helping you build healthy habits into your life that are sustainable . . . FOR LIFE!

There are so many distractions in our world today – everything from being preoccupied with our bodies, spending too much time on our smartphones, hanging out with a friend who complains all the time, and so on.

WHEN YOU JOIN NOW . . . You'll Receive:

  • Daily Communication in the Private Group 
  • 6 Weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions Via Zoom 
  • 6 Weekly Modules + Course Materials
  • Workbooks + "Homework" To Support Grown & New Habits
  • Private Online Group for Support + Accountability


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