Join the Healthy Habits 6-Week Coaching Program. We start on August 23, 2022! GETTING TOO FAR OFF TRACK WITH YOUR HEALTHY HABITS?

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Healthy Habits Program

Helping you build healthy habits into your life that are sustainable . . . FOR LIFE!

Are you ready to change your healthy habits?


Everybody who makes electronic music needs to be able to make a mix that drops deep, heavy Bass and comes with a crisp, wide stereo image on top.


It's harder than it first seems. There are a million details you have to learn about Compression and EQ and everything else.


Usually people get stuck going in circles, wasting tons of time, feeling frustrated, and getting depressed hearing mixes that sound like crap. You need a plan.


We all run into the same thing when we start making original electronic tracks. "I want to get the music out of my head and into the speakers." "I need to be 100% sure it's going to sound right when I play it tonight..." "I just want my original beats to sound as good as the records I buy..." "I want bragging rights when I get my tracks out on a Record Label..." Nothing feels better than sharing one of your tracks and hearing people say, "wow did you make this?" Here's how you can do that.


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"Talking to Rachel gave me the clarity and confidence to follow my intuition but also go outside of my comfort zone in a balanced and realistic way." 

- Feedback from 121 Client

PLUS - special Early Bird Bonus...

If you sign up in June (even if you take your session later!) you get a BONUS 30 minute follow up with yours truly - to check in with me so I can help you make adjustments AND celebrate your new found skill with you too!


Hi there! I'm Stef Sojka, Certified Whole Health & Nutrition Educator. I help people just like you with their nutrition and health habits, so that WELLNESS becomes a part of your life!  Not just something you do as part of a short-term New Year's resolution. 


What is included and how much time do I need?

In our 60 minute zoom meeting, together we will check the business or work boundary you selected (there's a quick exercise prior to the session) and why you struggle to keep it (and what to do instead) finishing by selecting what to say to help you keep it in future. PLUS you get my Healthy Boundaries Planner: A Simple Guide to Help You Define and Protect Your Personal Space. 

How much will it cost and when can I see you?

Not a lot! £99 as an opening price. Please note - this session is only available certain days and times of the week so numbers are limited so book as soon as you can to grab your place - let's get this started!

Did I hear you mention a bonus worth £49?

Sign up in June 2022, and get 30 minutes follow up worth £49 at no additional cost...(Subject to availability, not transferable or refundable. Information on Terms & Conditions at the checkout and below.) 


Let's review the complete list of what you get in "Healthy Habits Program".

  • About Healthy Habit
  • Sleep
  • Hydration
  • Movement
  • Time(Part 1)
  • Time(Part 2)
  • Celebrating And Moving Forward

The total value of everything in this course comes to $127...

Right now you can get in for a lot less. Don't waste any more of your precious studio time feeling frustrated.

So are you ready to change your healthy habits AND stick to them?

If you're already doing a little happy dance (!) then click the button and sign up now:

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